November 2023 Newsletter
/Dear Gweek Classic Boatyard Community,
We are aware of storm Ciaran due on Thursday 2nd November – for your safety as well as the safety of the staff we would like to kindly request for customers to stay off the yard for the day. We will be on hand to check your boats during the day and will be in contact if there are any issues. This will allow the staff to solely concentrate on the yard.
A misty morning at the boatyard, taken by Hannah Maltwood
In the midst of a busy winter craning season, there are a few things I would like to update you all on. This winter we have had an influx of extra boats, partly due to the issues with the Falmouth Boat Yard travel hoist. The team has worked hard to accommodate as many boats as possible, and we look forward to welcoming all our clients to the yard, both new and familiar. We have had to be very flexible this year with some changes to lifting schedules after a series of storms, as well as the exceptionally high water over the last week. The weather we are now expecting on Wednesday and Thursday has further compressed the programme. A big thank you must go to the yard team and the office for doing all that they can to meet customer needs. We would also like to thank Hannah who has expertly stepped in while other members have been away.
Can I remind everyone of the following:
Please remove sails and dodgers. Please also lower spray hoods so the boats offer minimum resistance to the wind.
As mentioned above, the yard experienced very high water over the last few days which did breach the yard. Due to this if you had anything under your boat, there is a chance it may now be in a slightly different location.
Please do not tie covers onto the boat stands.
Please speak to the office regarding electrical hook up. We have had some customers remove other boats' connectors to plug in, and this can cause untold problems, so please do be mindful.
Please bring your own ladders and ensure they are safely tied on.
The multi-year contract we have had for electricity has now come to an end and with that in mind you can expect to see a price increase in coming weeks. Our finance manager Kelly has done an amazing job in negotiating the price and managing to time it right to get the best deal. The price will be rising from 26p per KWH to 34p per KWH on the 11th of November. At one point earlier in the year we were looking at £1.00 per KWH.
The café has now reopened under new management. It has been very well received, and serves lovely coffee and cakes as well as breakfast and lunch, so please do drop in.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful customers for their flexibility, and indeed, for choosing to bring their boats to us here in Gweek. We appreciate you selecting our yard and will continue to strive to exceed your expectations.
Many thanks,
Mark Aichroth
Partner, Gweek Classic Boatyard