1914 Dutch Barge For Sale ‘DE HOOP’
Dutch Barge – Built 1914 by Haike Pieters van der Werff in Drachten/Langewijk launched name: Drei Gebroeders
Length: 18.29 m. Breadth: 3.62 m. Draught approx. 1.0 m. Deadweight approx. 25t.
Powered, Fuel diesel
Hull steel.
If the buyer wishes to keep her at Gweek Classic Boatyard, they would need to purchase a residential mooring lease at £25,000 for a 12 year lease.

Description: De Hoop has been converted to provide accommodation comprising 3 sleeping cabins (2 double, 1 single berth): 2 toilet / shower / wash rooms: galley / dining / sitting / navigation area. There are open decks forward and a large open steering position aft.
Location: Gweek Classic Boatyard, Gweek, TR12 6UF, UK
Navigation: Log / depth sounder (Raymarine ST 60 Tri Data): tiller steering: electric winch (Hector 2324DB): Bow thruster 24v
Inside Equipment: Washing m/c, dishwasher (both Bosch) fridge with freezer compartment, cooker with 4 ring induction hob and oven (Belling), 2x electric heads (Tecma) operating on isolated FW tank with discharge to black water tank or overside, FW pressure system (Aqua Jet Duo), hot water by calorifier (main engine / immersion heater) and Kabola HR oil fired boiler. Houdini Marine double glazed windows. Internal spray foam hull insulation.
Electrical: Victron Quattro, 32A shore power via isolator. Ship’s power system is 24v, 240v circuits to cabins, galley and boiler, generator (Fischer Panda 5000i), wind generator (Rutland 1200), 6 x 12v house batteries, 2 x 12v windlass / bow thruster batteries, 1 x 12v engine / generator starting battery,
Outside Equipment: An Avon inflatable dinghy with a Mercury 3.5 outboard could be made available. A canvas cover for the forward hatch is included.
Tanks: FW 2 x 1250 ltr plus 500 ltr dedicated to heads, fuel 2 x 400 ltr diesel, 500 ltr black water (all capacities approximate)
Engine: Sole SM 105 driving through PRM gearbox, 69.8 kW / 95 hp
Survey: Out of Water survey dated August 2023 available for inspection.