Craning operations suspended
/Dear Boat Owners,
It is with regret that we have to announce that we will be suspending craning operations at Gweek Classic Boat Yard from today. In my communication from earlier in the month I mentioned that we would continue craning while we have the staff available to do so. This is no longer the case and it is with significant regret that we have had to announce this. I realise the benefits of owners being able to use their boats during this difficult time, however we are left with no other choice. I also realise that the situation is very fluid at the moment and in coming days this decision may have been made for us. A number of yards are closing and I spoke to Birdham Pool at Chichester who closed today.
For the time being boat owners, residents and contractors may use the yard, however this may have to be reviewed. The chandlery may not be accessed but we will be able to offer products to allow boat owners to work on their boats. We will review how this takes place. The office will be staffed Monday to Friday on a reduced-hours basis. Contact will be through the window, so no coming in for a chat please.
We are hoping this will be for a limited time but at the moment we are unsure when we will recommence. Feel free to give me a call on 07767640986 or email
Kind regards and our best wishes to you and your families during this difficult time.
Mark and Malcolm